lagacetainfecciosa7 nov 20182 Min. de lecturaDiphtheria kills 26 children in just a monthFernanda Milans del Bosch, MarÃa Montilla, SofÃa Morales and José Alfonso Moreno October 1st 2018 Twenty-six children below the age of 9...
lagacetainfecciosa5 nov 20181 Min. de lecturaArylomycin derivatives as promising antibiotics able to combat antibiotic-resistant strainsWojciech Krzysztof Jankowski September 2018 During recent years, we have been witnessing the emergence of more and more...
lagacetainfecciosa5 nov 20181 Min. de lecturaVACCINE ALLOWS HIGHER SURVIVAL RATE FOR OVARIAN CANCER Marta Bárcena Castro, Inés de Cáceres Renovell, MarÃa Cacicedo Jaroszynska and Carmen Candilejo Deleyto. April 11th, 2018. Ovarian cancer...
lagacetainfecciosa5 nov 20182 Min. de lecturaWill Myxobacteria spp. end up with the antibiotic resistance problem?Mary Flor Alberca, Miguel Alonso, Carmen Aznar, Carmen Barambio 4th September, 2018 Nowadays, there is a big problem with the bacterial...
lagacetainfecciosa29 sept 20182 Min. de lecturaSynthetic biology to cure disease: bacterial engineeringPaula Polo Yanez, Claudia Ramos Alvarez, Alberto Ruiz López Alvarado and Jorge Riego de la Puente. September 4th 2018 Our body is a...
lagacetainfecciosa27 sept 20182 Min. de lecturaBROWN BEAR SALIVA IS FOUND TO BE USED TO RAPIDLY TEST ANTIBIOTICS, BEAR THAT IN MIND!Pedro Martin, Cristina de Mateo, Carmen Martin and Claudia Martin September 13th, 2018 A team of Rutgers University (the state University...
lagacetainfecciosa27 sept 20182 Min. de lecturaGut microbiome and the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)MarÃa Escartin, MarÃa Corominas Prados, Andrea Esteban Bartual, Lucas Cibeira Gallardo and Andrea Telich Zúñiga August 29th 2018...
lagacetainfecciosa27 sept 20181 Min. de lecturaThe most revolutionary antibiotic in the last 50 years Date: 13/09/2018 Authors: Carmen Barambio, Miguel Alonso, Mary Flor Alberca and Carmen Aznar Superbugs have developed resistance against...